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Friday, September 25, 2009

SPICE Cup results

SPICE Cup results

B group

September 25 2pm Round 7

Papp - Kuljasevic
Antal - Robson
Diamant 1/2 Finegold
Rensch 1/2 Bhat
Perelshteyn 1/2 Ippolito

A group

Friday, September 25 2pm - Round 6

Mamedov 1/2 Akobian
Hammer 1/2 Andreikin
Kuzubov 1/2 So


B group (after 7 rounds)

1. IM Finegold 5.5 (needs .5/2 for GM norm and title)
2-3. GM Bhat, GM Perelshteyn 4.5
4. IM Robson 3.5 (needs 2.5/3 for GM norm and title) +1
5. IM Antal 3.0 (needs 3/3 for GM norm and title) +1,
FM Rensch (needs 1/2 for IM norm and title) 3.0
6-8. IM Papp +1, IM Kuljasevic +1, 2.5
9. GM Diamant 2.5
10. IM Ippolito 1.5

A group (after 6 rounds)

1-3. GMs Hammer, Kuzubov, Andreikin 3.5
4. GM Mamedov 3.0
5. GM So 2.5
6. GM Akobian 2.0

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The battle of the day

The battle of the day

Round 7 photos set 2 (34 pictures): http://picasaweb.google.com/SPICEChess/2009SPICECupRound7Set2

2 players, both need a win to keep the GM norm alive. IM Antal had an opening surprise against IM Robson. But Ray defended very well to hold on to keep his GM title chase alive.

Antal,Gergely (2486) - Robson,Ray (2527)
Spice Cup 2009 (7), 25.09.2009

1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nd2 Nc6 4.Ngf3 Nf6 5.e5 Nd7 6.Bd3 f6 7.Ng5 Ndxe5 8.dxe5 fxg5 9.Qh5+ g6 10.Bxg6+ Kd7 11.c4 Nxe5 12.Bc2 Qf6 13.0–0 c6 14.cxd5 exd5 15.Nb3 Qf7 16.Qe2 Bd6 17.f4 gxf4 18.Bxf4 Qg7 19.Rae1 Re8 20.Qh5 Kc7 21.Re3 Bg4 22.Qh4 Nc4 23.Bxd6+ Nxd6 24.Rg3 h5 25.h3 Qxb2 26.hxg4 Qxc2 27.gxh5 Rad8 28.Rg7+ Kc8 29.h6 Qc3 30.Qf4 Re4 31.Qg5 Re5 32.Qg4+ Kb8 33.Qd4 Qxd4+ 34.Nxd4 c5 35.h7 cxd4 36.Rg8 Ree8 37.h8Q Rxg8 38.Qxd4 Nc4 39.Re1 Rd7 40.Qf4+ Ka8 41.Qg4 Rdd8 42.Qd4 Rd7 43.Qf6 a6 44.Re7 Rxe7 45.Qxe7 Rc8 46.g4 d4 47.Qd7 Rg8 48.Qxd4 Ne3 49.Qxe3 Rxg4+ 50.Kf2 Rc4 51.Qb3 Rc6 52.Ke3 a5 53.Qb5 a4 54.Qxa4+ Kb8 55.Kd4 Ra6 56.Qe8+ Ka7 57.a4 Rc6 58.Kd5 Ra6 59.Qe3+ Ka8 60.Kc5 Rc6+ 61.Kb5 Ra6 62.a5 Rc6 63.Qe4 ½–½

Standings after 7 rounds (B group):

1. IM Finegold 5.5 (needs .5 / 2 for GM title)
2-3. GMs Perelshteyn, Bhat 4.5
4. IM Robson 4.0 (needs 2/2 for GM title)
5. IM Antal 3.5
6-8. IMs Papp, Kuljasevic, FM Rensch 3.0 (needs 1 / 2 for IM title)
9. GM Diamant 2.5
10. IM Ippolito 1.5

Standings after 6 rounds (A group):

1-3. GMs Hammer, Kuzubov, Andreikin 3.5
4. GM Mamedov 3.0
5. GM So 2.5
6. GM Akobian 2.0
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Photos from round 6(A) and 7(B)

Photos from round 6(A) and 7(B)

Round 7 photos (33 pictures): http://picasaweb.google.com/SPICEChess/2009SPICECupRound7

IM Ben Finegold drew against GM Andre Diamant today. Ben only needs 1/2 point in his final 2 games (against FM Rensch and GM Perelshteyn) to become the next American Grandmaster.
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SPICE Cup round 6 (A) and 7 (B) action

SPICE Cup round 6 (A) and 7 (B) action

IM Finegold needs 1 point in 3 games to earn his grandmaster title.
IM Ray Robson needs 2.5 points in 3 games to earn his grandmaster title.
IM Antal needs 3 points in 3 games to earn his grandmaster title.
FM Rensch needs 1.5 points in 3 games to earn his IM title.

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Round 6 update (norm update)

Round 6 update (norm update)

Photos from round 6 (30 pictures): http://picasaweb.google.com/SPICEChess/2009SPICECupRound6

B group

1. IM Finegold 5.0 (needs 1/3 for GM norm and title)
2-3. GM Bhat, GM Perelshteyn 4.0
4. Robson 3.5
(needs 2.5/3 for GM norm and title)
5. IM Antal 3.0 (needs 3/3 for GM norm and title)
6-8. IM Papp, IM Kuljasevic, FM Rensch (needs 1.5/3 for IM norm and title) 2.5
9. GM Diamant 2.0
10. IM Ippolito 1.0
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Kasparov dominates

Kasparov dominates

Rapid results: (3-1 Kasparov)

Karpov, Anatoly
Kasparov, Garry

Kasparov, Garry
Karpov, Anatoly

Karpov, Anatoly
Kasparov, Garry

Kasparov, Garry
Karpov, Anatoly

Blitz results: (6-2 Kasparov)

Kasparov, Garry
Karpov, Anatoly

Karpov, Anatoly
Kasparov, Garry

Kasparov, Garry
Karpov, Anatoly

Karpov, Anatoly
Kasparov, Garry

Kasparov, Garry
Karpov, Anatoly

Karpov, Anatoly
Kasparov, Garry

Kasparov, Garry
Karpov, Anatoly

Karpov, Anatoly
Kasparov, Garry


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SPICE Cup round 6 action

SPICE Cup round 6 action

Round 6 pairings:

September 24 2pm Round 6

Kuljasevic 1/2 Perelshteyn
Ippolito - Rensch
Bhat 1/2 Diamant
Finegold 1-0 Antal
Robson 1–0 Papp

Standings after 5 rounds:

A group

1-3. GMs Hammer, Kuzubov, Andreikin 3.0
4. GM Mamedov 2.5
5. GM So 2.0
6. GM Akobian 1.5

B group

1. IM Finegold 4.0 (needs 2/4 for GM norm and title)
2-3. GM Bhat, GM Perelshteyn 3.5
4. IM Antal 3.0 (needs 3/4 for GM norm and title)
5-6. IM Papp (needs 3.5/4 for 2nd GM norm), IM Robson (needs 3.5/4 for GM norm and title) 2.5
7-8. FM Rensch (needs 2/4 for IM norm and title), IM Kuljasevic 2.0 (needs 4/4 for GM norm and title)
9. GM Diamant 1.5
10. IM Ippolito 0.5
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SPICE round 6 (A) and round 7 (B)

SPICE round 6 (A) and round 7 (B)

B group

September 25 2pm Round 7

Papp - Kuljasevic
Antal - Robson
Diamant - Finegold
Rensch - Bhat
Perelshteyn - Ippolito

A group

Friday, September 25 2pm - Round 6

Mamedov - Akobian
Hammer - Andreikin
Kuzubov - So


B group (after 6 rounds)

1. IM Finegold 5.0 (needs 1/3 for GM norm and title)
2-3. GM Bhat, GM Perelshteyn 4.0
4. IM Robson 3.5 (needs 2.5/3 for GM norm and title)
5. IM Antal 3.0 (needs 3/3 for GM norm and title)
6-8. IM Papp, IM Kuljasevic, FM Rensch (needs 1.5/3 for IM norm and title) 2.5
9. GM Diamant 2.0
10. IM Ippolito 1.0

A group (after 5 rounds)

1-3. GMs Hammer, Kuzubov, Andreikin 3.0
4. GM Mamedov 2.5
5. GM So 2.0
6. GM Akobian 1.5
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New match,same result

New match, same result

Kasparov beats Karpov in rerun of 1984 chess clash
Fri Sep 25, 2009 5:05am EDT

MADRID (Reuters Life!) - Russian chess legend Gary Kasparov has won a re-match of his classic 1984 world championship contest with compatriot Anatoly Karpov, ending a 12-match clash in the Spanish city of Valencia 9-3.

In relaxed surroundings worlds away from the original clash -- played out amid Cold War tension which had converted Kasparov into a western favorite -- Kasparov won five speed matches in the final eight-match clash late on Thursday.

The players plan to play again in Paris in December, a spokeswoman for the Valencia regional government said.

In 1984 Kasparov, now 46 and a leading opponent of Russian Prime Minister Vladimimir Putin, waged an epic battle with then reigning champion Karpov, now 58, which was called off after 48 matches because of concern over the players' health.

Kasparov said the 1984 match was called off to save Karpov from defeat -- and a nervous breakdown -- as the match had come to symbolize the competing forces then at play in the Soviet Union. Karpov was a darling of the Soviet establishment.

By the time the 1984 match was halted, Karpov had won five games and Kasparov three, with 40 draws. Both said they wanted to play on.
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