65th Portugal Chess Championship
Portugal chess championship was held in the city of Amadora, on 5-13 September. Top rated player IM Ruben Miguel Nunes Pereira beat FM Joao Maria Da Camara Cordovil in the last round and preserved the first place, half point ahead of the second placed GM Antonio Fernandes.Final Ranking crosstable after 9 Rounds:
1. IM Pereira Ruben Miguel Nunes (2447) 6.5
2. GM Fernandes Antonio Manuel De A (2409) 6
3. NM Santos Antonio M L F Pereira (2264) 5.5
4. FM Diogo Vasco Andre Marcalo (2308) 5
5. Ferreira Jorge Joao Viterbo (2238) 5
6. FM Andrade Jose Manuel Vieira (2259) 4.5
7. IM Damaso Rui (2404) 4
8. FM Cordovil Joao Maria Da Camara (2214) 4
9. Viela Andre Filipe Folha (2219) 3
10. NM Carneiro Carlos Alberto C Pin (2269) 1.5
Championship website